
Essential SaaS terms you have to master for achieving a product-market fit

Product-market fit

Product-market fit is a temporary situation when your ideal customer profiles are crystallized, their needs are underserved by your competition, and your value proposition conversion rates and cohort retention metrics are far above industry standards.

Company culture

Creating a positive and productive company culture is essential for any business. Learn the key elements of company culture and find links to relevant books and tools to help you foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and success. Take the first step towards building a thriving work environment with our resources.

Customer interviews

A customer interview is a conversation with a customer or potential customer that is focused on understanding their experiences, needs, and preferences.

Technology adoption curve

The technology adoption curve is a model that describes how people and organizations adopt new technologies. It is presented as a bell-shaped curve with five distinct phases: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.

Unfair advantage

An unfair advantage is a unique competitive advantage that allows a company to stand out against the competition and build long-term barriers against them.

Go-to-market (GTM) strategy

Go-to-market (GTM) strategy is a step-by-step plan for defining the target market, crafting a compelling message and positioning the product in a way that resonates with the target segments.

Mission-driven company

A mission-driven company is a business that is focused on achieving a specific purpose or goal that goes beyond making a profit.


Our brains are prone to biases and heuristics that can lead us to make suboptimal choices, and the fast-paced and constantly changing nature of the SaaS industry can make it difficult to stay on top of all the available information.

Competitive analysis