Start with why
Book Author
Simon Sinek
December 8, 2022

"Start with Why" is a book by Simon Sinek that explores the concept of "The Golden Circle" and how it can be used to inspire others and create successful organizations.

The core idea behind "The Golden Circle" is that great leaders and organizations start by identifying their why, or their purpose, before figuring out what they do and how they do it.

To apply this method on a practical level, Sinek suggests the following steps:

Identify your why

Start by figuring out what motivates you or your organization. What is your purpose or belief that drives everything you do?

Communicate your why

Once you know your why, you need to communicate it to others in a way that resonates with them. This means being authentic and transparent about your motivations and values.

Put your why into action

Once you have communicated your why, it's time to put it into action. This means aligning all of your actions and decisions with your why, and making sure that everything you do is in service of your purpose.

Build a tribe of like-minded people

The most successful organizations are able to inspire others to join their cause and become part of a tribe of like-minded people who share their beliefs and values.

Why this matters?

You will be able to create a clear and compelling message that resonates with your target audience, and you will be able to build a loyal and passionate tribe of supporters who are committed to your cause.

An example of how a mission-driven company can attract more passionate community members and talent interested in collaborating is through clearly communicating its why and purpose.

For instance, a company that is focused on sustainability and reducing plastic waste may attract individuals and organizations who share this passion and want to work towards a common goal.

To identify the real why that resonates with the target market, the company can use a variety of techniques, such as market research, customer surveys, and focus groups. By understanding the needs, values, and beliefs of the target market, the company can craft a compelling why that resonates with its audience and inspires them to take action.

It is also important for the company to be aligned with its own team, as well as with the target market. This means that everyone within the organization should understand and be committed to the company's why and purpose. This can help to create a sense of unity and purpose within the organization, and it can also help to attract and retain talented individuals who share the company's values and goals.

By following these steps, you can improve your product-market fit, market positioning, and go-to-market strategy.