Competitive Strategy
December 10, 2022

"Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors" is a book by Michael E. Porter that explores the concept of competitive strategy and offers techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. The book is based on Porter's extensive research on the subject of competitive strategy, and it offers valuable insights for companies looking to gain a competitive edge in their market.

The threat of new entrants

  • New entrants to an industry can increase competition and decrease prices.
  • To assess the threat of new entrants, companies can analyze the barriers to entry in the industry.
  • These barriers can include economies of scale, capital requirements, access to distribution channels, and government regulations.
  • Companies can also consider the potential retaliation from existing competitors, who may respond to new entrants by lowering prices or increasing marketing efforts.

The bargaining power of suppliers

  • Suppliers can exert bargaining power by increasing prices or reducing the quality of their products or services.
  • To assess the bargaining power of suppliers, companies can analyze the number and concentration of suppliers in the industry.
  • They can also consider the importance of the supplier's products or services to the company, as well as the availability of substitute products or services.
  • Companies can mitigate the bargaining power of suppliers by diversifying their supplier base and negotiating long-term contracts with favorable terms.

The bargaining power of buyers

  • Buyers can exert bargaining power by demanding lower prices or higher quality products or services.
  • To assess the bargaining power of buyers, companies can analyze the number and concentration of buyers in the industry.
  • They can also consider the importance of the company's products or services to the buyers, as well as the availability of substitute products or services.
  • Companies can mitigate the bargaining power of buyers by building strong relationships with key customers and offering unique features and benefits that are difficult to replicate.

The threat of substitute products or services

  • Substitute products or services can reduce the demand for a company's products or services, leading to lower prices and increased competition.
  • To assess the threat of substitutes, companies can analyze the relative price and performance of the substitute products or services.
  • They can also consider the ease of switching to substitute products or services and the availability of substitutes in the market.
  • Companies can mitigate the threat of substitutes by continuously improving the performance and value of their products or services, as well as by offering unique features and benefits that are not available from substitutes.

The intensity of competitive rivalry

  • The intensity of competitive rivalry in an industry can affect the ability of companies to create value for their customers and gain a competitive advantage.
  • To assess the intensity of competitive rivalry, companies can analyze the number and capabilities of competitors in the market.
  • They can also consider the similarity of competitors' products or services, the level of differentiation in the market, and the level of excess capacity in the industry.
  • Companies can mitigate the intensity of competitive rivalry by differentiating their products or services, building strong relationships with customers, and leveraging their strengths and capabilities.

Overall, "Competitive Strategy" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of competitive strategy and how to create a sustainable advantage in the market. The book offers valuable insights and practical techniques for analyzing the forces that shape competition in an industry, and it provides valuable guidance for companies looking to gain a competitive edge in their market.