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Focus on the right things. Every day.

You're trying to develop clarity about your ideal customer profiles (ICP) by hosting one-off workshops but the information get outdated quickly as there is no shared source of truth which leads to lack of focus in sales and product teams.

Now, your team can update ideal customer profiles collaboratively with our contextual discussion platform so that your team always knows to focus on the high-expectations customers only.

Start assessment
B2B software or service company
Annual revenue 1+ million €
Goal +100% YoY growth

Know your market

No competition equals no market.

Nail your niche

Focus on those who stick.

Stop assuming

Ask. Listen. Test. Repeat.

Be there for them

Otherwise someone else will.

Discover underserved needs

Engage your team and customers for continuous discovery to identify ideal customers and build a long-term moat

How it works


We analyse and enrich your data

We t


We visualise the customer journey touchpoints to pinpoint bottlenecks

Create problem statements based on discussions


We conduct problem interviews with potential ideal customer personas

Let the target groups ideate how would they solve the problems.


We set up a workspace for discussing about best practises and learnings related to jobs-to-be-done

Weighted customer feedback.

Step 5


Every quarter, we analyse discussions, learnings and data to recommend next priorities

To ensure that features meets expectations, you can embed your prototype and have in-app video testing sessions.

Why P/M Fit matters?

Once upon a time, a B2B SaaS company was founded.

"This will be the next big thing", founders thought.

They decided to build a first version of the product before selling it systematically. 

They raised seed funding. They launched it.

"Kill your darling", their initial results said.

"We just need to educate the market", founders said.

They started investing in sales and marketing.


Majority of the leads were not qualified.

Their deal pipeline did not look sustainable for covering the acquisition costs.

They ran weekly experiments to figure out what's wrong.

Outcome: The market definition, value proposition and product offering were too vague.

Was this surprise? No.

"Everything to everyone is nothing no one. Nail your niche!"

Easier said than done.

They started narrowing their ideal customer personas and target segments more systematically.

They started conducting interviews more regularly to learn more about the personas: their problems and habits.

They set processes for utilising more systematically the ever-growing knowledge of Customer Success, Sales and Marketing.

They kept iterating their target segments, messaging, positioning, channels and must-have features.

Finally, their acquisition costs started to get more predictable.

Great LTV/CAC ratio and retention rates enabled raising more.

The more their headcount grew, the more they needed the cross-functional alignment about their learnings.

The discussions, data and findings about market, competition, customers and their problems were all over the place.

Slack, Figma, Emails, Sheets, Powerpoints, Docs, Analytics, CRM... You name it.

The critical learnings started to get lost and forgotten.

It became a full-time job to find the right information to understand if they are doing the right things.

Eventually, they started to repeat the same mistakes again.

This is a story of almost every B2B SaaS company.

That's why we developed this framework for running a continuous discovery as smooth as possible.

Designed together with CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CMOs, CSOs, COOs, Country Leads, Sales Executives, Sales Development Representatives, Marketing Specialists, HR Specialists, Customer Success Specialists, Business Controllers, Growth Leads, Data Scientists, Product Managers, Designers and Developers.

The framework will help you to become a must-have product of your well-defined target market.

Start assessment if you wish to learn how.

Frequently asked questions

What is your target segment?

We work primarily with startups/scaleups who think they already have achieved a product-market fit and they want to make sure that they can meet their growth targets.

Most startups have already raised more than 1m€ and running +1m€ ARR run rate.

How long will it take to nail the product-market fit?

The smartest companies will never stop working on their product-market fit. The world is changing faster than ever. To outsmart the competition, you need to stay very close the customers.

Why do I need your help? Why it's better than our existing process?

It is very time-consuming to find out the best practises and set up the systematic process and engaging way of collaborating asynchronously, remotely and continuously.

With us, you can focus on the discovery itself and dialogue about the learnings.

To let you enjoy the best practises, we develop the process further every day with the top-tier startups.

Can I invite anyone to participate the process?

We highly recommend that you invite and engage your team and your possible ideal customers.

Can you help analysing our situation and customize the process accordingly?

Yes, we facilitate the process hands-on for your team.

Is custom branding features included?

The look and feel is fully customisable. Your fonts, colors and logos, everything.
Your customers won't know that they are using the Product-Market Fit app.

Join waitlist

To meet the highest standards, we will onboard only one new customer per quarter.

First, tell us about your business

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